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Emily Conroy


Hi, my name is Emily and I have the privilege of being the Principal of the beautiful community that is St John’s. I joined the school in 2022 and have loved getting to know new people. I believe St John’s is a very special place, with a strong sense of community that is coming back to life now that we are living and working in a post COVID environment. Like you, I was drawn to the St John’s community because of all the wonderful things that are happening in the school and match what I believe and am most passionate about in education.


I have worked in Catholic Education for over 20 years and have held various leadership roles since 2007. I see my role as Principal of St John’s as being an opportunity to foster strong school, family and Parish connectedness in living our school vision to  ‘Walk Together in Light’ through faith, family engagement and social awareness. I believe children need to be at the core of all decisions. We need to know and understand them as a person and a learner to drive what we do as educators, leaders and as a school. Listening, observing and interacting with children gives us the direction and data that we need to engage and grow them. It is our job to know and understand what each child is entitled to and be able to differentiate so that all children achieve growth academically as well as socially, emotionally and spiritually.


In my time away from St John’s,  I love to spend time with my family, particularly my nieces and nephews. I love going out for brunch, bush walks and watching sport, particularly my beloved Tigers! In 2024, I am looking forward to learning more about the ways we can engage with First Nations people, paying respects to their history and stories. 

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Karen Dodemaide

Co-Deputy Principal Wellbeing Leader

Hello St. John's Community. It is my great privilege to be continuing in the role of Co-Deputy Principal and Wellbeing Leader at St. John's Catholic School in 2024.  I have been an educator for over 30 years and I have a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration. I feel very privileged to support children to achieve their personal learning goals; developing the skills, knowledge and learning dispositions they need to help them grow and thrive. Seeking opportunities for children to raise their voices; achieving active engagement in  learning, is a core belief that drives me as an educator.  I am proud to work with our wonderful educators and leaders in creating conditions that support the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all and it is a great joy to work closely with our Student Leaders as they develop  confidence and self-assurance to take on leadership responsibilities. 


 In my first year at St. John’s Catholic School  in 2022, working closely with our families in support of the wellbeing and safety of all students was a highlight. It was a privilege  to be part of the Centenary Year as we came together as past, present and future community members, joyously celebrating the contributions of all at St. John’s. In the role of Wellbeing Leader, I look forward to leading our community as we continue to engage with The Resilience Project in 2024. As we explicitly focus on developing practices in expressing gratitude, empathy and mindfulness, we will live Jesus’ commandment to ‘Love one another.’


In my time away from work, I enjoy watching my own children playing sports, walking our dog  and  gardening.  I enjoy following the Western Bulldogs in the AFL, the Melbourne Vixens in netball and the Melbourne Renegades in the BBL.


Lauren Davis

Co-Deputy Principal
Learning & Teaching Leader

My name is Lauren and I am excited to be a part of this wonderful learning community in 2024. I have been with this community for 7 years and in that time I have taken on many different roles within the school. I have a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and continuously undertake different short courses and other learning opportunities. I am highly passionate about relationships and creating environments that enable all people to grow, develop and thrive.


I look forward to getting to know our new faces and continue to understand all the children in our environment, particularly their interests to help drive emotional connections to learning. My passion is on developing character traits and learning dispositions by helping educators to intentionally design every learning experience with children. I believe these are the necessary, transferable skills (alongside being literate and numerate) that children need to be successful in their lives. I have found the St. John’s environment an inspirational place and unlike any other I have worked. I love thinking and reflecting, as well as designing different learning spaces to create opportunities for children to construct and express their knowledge and understanding.


When I’m away from school, you’ll find us in our backyard, maybe gardening, reading (when we get a chance) and playing with our children. Billy turned four in September and Harvey will be two next year. Our family often visits the coast during the holidays, exploring the beach and being with nature. I am looking forward to another incredible year where we will reimagine what successful education can be!


Jordan Fry

Faith/RE Leader
3/4 Hub ​Educator

Hello beautiful St John’s community! In addition to working alongside Kelly and Erin one of the 3/4 Hubs, I fulfil the RE/Faith leadership role at St John’s. I feel honoured and excited to continue developing and strengthening our community’s spirituality and connection with Faith.


I believe that children should be at the centre of their learning, and have the freedom to explore and discover their individual passions and interests through the 100 Languages of Learning. Forming genuine and meaningful relationships with students and families is vital in supporting students and in fostering a love for learning. 


In my spare time you can find me with my fur babies: Bella the dog and Hank the cat, or spending time with my parents on their farm in Geelong.

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Kate Thompson

Learning & Teaching Leader

Hello, St John’s Community! It is my great privilege to work with the educators, co-educators, leaders, administration, and the incredible community of St. John as your Learning and Diversity Leader for 2024. As an educator for 20-plus years, I have taken on many roles in early childhood and primary school (public and private) environments throughout my career.

As a Leader, I strive to create a nurturing and collaborative environment built on respectful relationships, innovative teaching practices, student voice, resilience, and brave leadership. I always advocate for a supportive and inclusive school environment. I wholeheartedly believe in a consistent and creative approach to student well-being that promotes a school culture of belonging, empowerment, and inclusivity.
I like to spend time with my friends and family in my spare time. I love going on adventures, entertaining, watching the footy (Go Pies), and baking, which is my creative therapy.

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Amy Littley

Learning & Teaching Leader

Hi, I’m Amy and I will be part of the Learning and Teaching Team for 2024. 


I had the privilege of becoming part of the very welcoming St John’s community in 2022. I love the way the children are at the centre of everything we do at St John’s and we support them as they grow and flourish each day. I look forward to working alongside our amazing educators to design engaging learning experiences that allow children to discover the world around them and explore their own curiosities. 


In my spare time, I like to spend time with my friends and family. I love to travel around the world exploring different cultures and admiring nature, my photo is from a Safari in Tanzania where we were lucky enough to pass 80 giraffes migrating across the Serengeti National Park. I also enjoy walking with my dog, Sandy, visiting local markets and baking!




Mairead Doherty

Learning & Teaching Leader


Hello! My name is Mairead and I joined the St John’s team in 2022. I’m very excited to remain part of such a warm and welcoming community this year. In 2024 I will be part of the Learning and Teaching team as the Numeracy Leader as well as an educator in the Two Hub.


My teaching philosophy is built on the values of respect, inclusion and equity. My approach ensures children are at the centre of all learning experiences. I try to create a safe learning environment that encourages children to become critical and creative thinkers. I believe our goal as educators is to support children in their learning journey so that they can grow in their understanding of themselves and the world around them.


When I am not at St John’s I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, visiting places around our lovely state, country and world as well as eating lots of the delicious food our city has to offer. I love creating pottery in my home studio and have a very small online business.


I am looking forward to spending another year building relationships with the families in the St John’s community.


Jenna Gladman

Learning & Teaching Leader

Hello St John’s Community! 


My name is Jenna and I am thrilled to join the Two Hub this year! As well as working in the Two Hub, I will also be the Learning and Teaching Leader for the One and Two Hub. I am eager for the opportunity to collaborate with educators and the children across these two Hubs, and collaboratively foster vibrant and enriching learning environments. 


I feel very fortunate to have worked at St John’s for the past five and a half years and am incredibly grateful for all the learning opportunities I have had so far. As an educator I am passionate about creating a learning environment where children are provided the opportunity to explore, inquire and discover their passions and curiosities. 


In my spare time I love to spend time with my family and friends, reading, learning new things and exploring different parts of the world. I have recently returned from a trip to Italy and am excited for all the adventures that 2024 will bring. 

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