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But if we walk in the light as God is in the light we are one with each other. 


1 John 1:7



“The Catholic school…community encourages belonging in diversity by listening to and celebrating the narratives of each member, ensuring all voices are heard and engaging many perspectives in dialogue with Catholic beliefs and practices” (Horizons of Hope, 2017).


We as a Catholic school believe in an immersive Religious Education experience, integrating Faith and Life, to enable and support the faith and spiritual development of all within our community.  At St John’s, we provide opportunities for children to encounter faith through real world examples, making Jesus contextual and relevant through our actions and interactions with each other. Developing faith relationships through Faith and Life, encourages children to enter into dialogue and learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions, while exploring their own beliefs and questions of meaning.


Children from Prep to Year Six, learn about the Sacraments within Faith lessons.  The school community participates in the Sacramental Program, with baptised Catholic students celebrating the Sacraments. First Reconciliation and Eucharist is received in Year 3, and Confirmation in Year 6.  Sacraments are special occasions where the children encounter God’s presence

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