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Malachi House is named after Sister Malachi who was one of the first Principals at St John’s from 1927-1935. She showed empathy and understanding towards the children and families of St. John’s. In Everard Street there is a mosaic picture with excerpts of letters that Sr. Malachi wrote.


Alex House is named after Alexander MacKillop, the father of eight children – the eldest being Mary MacKillop.Alex was born in 1812. He valued education and taught Mary to read and write. Alexander MacKillop showed strong faith and persistence in his life.

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Flora House is named after Flora MacKillop. She was born in 1812 in Scotland. Flora was married to Alex and they had 8 children, the eldest was Mary MacKillop. Flora showed the qualities of patience, courage and integrity. Flora put her trust in God.



Irene House is named after Irene McCormack. Irene was born in 1938 in Western Australia. She grew up on a farm. Irene became a Josephite sister when she was 20. Irene worked in Peru helping educate the poor, helping those in need and showed amazing qualities of strength and courage.

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